Welcome to Printsaz!

We make printing and Binding easy. We are India’s largest print-on-Go platform with a vision to be the world’s largest. We have a team who are having more than 15 years of experience in the print and tech industry,

Many print stores (Printing Parteners) across Chennai city, and expected to have more than 1 Million customers online & offline. Small, medium and large enterprises and consumers will depend on Printsaz to get high-quality print services and ship across Chennai very soon with over 1000 printing partners outlets across Chennai city.

Printsaz also has India’s largest Printing cum Binding facility at a very reasonable price. A well known name across the colleges, companies in Chennai.

The Printsaz Story

Printsaz was founded by a group of young tech saviees.and software engineers who knew little about software, and even less about print! Soon joined by a few more diehards, including a print engineer and a pre-press expert (finally, someone from print!). The founding team was disappointed with the lack of professional print services for young businesses and individuals, most of whom had orders that were too small for the higher quality printers.

What was initially started out with an aim of print as you go app only for students, eventually became a service providing platform to all. It was born out of a vision to create a free platform for people to connect print shops wherever and whenever they need!. Today, Printsaz is a business known for its steadfast service providing.

Where is Printsaz from?

Printsaz is headquartered in Chennai, India, with a young and energetic team having zeal and zest to extend the service all over India.

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